In this article, we will discuss how you should be Managing your Health and Avoiding Bugs as you Travel.
The world has been gripped, over decades and even centuries, with devastating illnesses, bacteria and viruses. Some of which changed entire social systems. The bubonic plague (known as The Black Death), from which millions of people died in the 1500 and 1600s, left serfs in such short supply that the remaining farmworkers and journeymen demanded wages for their labour for the first time. This dreadful disease wiped out one-third of Europe’s population.
The Spanish flu, which hit the entire world in the spring of 1918, killed over 17 million people (some reports think as many as 100 million). Interestingly, this strain of influenza originated in New York, but Spain was neutral in the first world war, and so could report on the deaths more impartially, hence “Spanish flu”).
Unlike 500 years ago, we are more able to detect the cause of such illnesses and can take measures to protect ourselves better, as we understand how they spread and how our body deals with them. Even in 1918, over 100 years ago, there was no knowledge that influenza was caused by a virus (this was only proven in 1933).
Even so, hospitals and medical personnel the world over are overwhelmed by Covid-19, the Coronavirus that started in China, as patients who cannot breathe are being admitted to hospital. This is not something to take lightly.
So when travelling, do consider your own health first and assess how vulnerable you might be to a viral attack. If you are elderly, or have a compromised immune system, have lung problems like asthma, then perhaps consider whether staying at home would be your best option.
But for the hale and hearty, always ensure that you boost your body with extra vitamins (especially C and in MEGA doses) and watch your personal hygiene with great vigilance. Keep alcohol based hand cleaners with you at all times in gel or spray form, as well as wipes for surfaces like trolley handles and public toilet doors. or don disposable gloves when in public places. Wipe down the restaurant menu with a sani wipe before handling it. Wash you hands at every opportunity and try not to touch your face.
Many bacterial infections come from water, so in places where the quality of water may be suspicious; do not eat raw foods like salads. Only eat fruit that you can peel and don’t have ice in your drinks. This will stop the spread of any bacteria.
Perhaps a good thing about the Coronavirus is that the entire world has become aware of handwashing. But do be aware that this is not flu. Drastic measures are being taken across the world to stop the spread of this new virus, so travel with care.
Looking After Yourself
Don’t forget to check with your accommodation host or your travel agent, what, if any, vaccinations you may need, and when you need to have them if you are crossing borders.
Whilst South Africa has a few cases of COVID-19, travelling locally may still be the best option. And the best choice of all is to head to the wilderness, away from the crowds and possible contamination. Taking your friends and family to Royal Jozini in Eswatini will probably mean you won’t see another soul. So get earthed. Stay safe. Get to Royal Jozini.